There are 2789 resources available
1709P - Prediction of febrile neutropenia (FN), hospitalization (Hosp) rates, and infection (Inf) rates in chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN) patients (pts) treated with the plinabulin and pegfilgrastim combination (Plin+Peg) using a meta-analysis (MA)-based tool
Presenter: Stephan Ogenstad
Session: ePoster Display
1710P - Impact of adding plinabulin to pegfilgrastim for the prevention of chemotherapy induced neutropenia (CIN) on patient quality of life (QoL)
Presenter: Douglas Blayney
Session: ePoster Display
1711P - Real-world study of mecapegfilgrastim in preventing neutropenia in patients with gastrointestinal tumors
Presenter: Nong Xu
Session: ePoster Display
1712P - Safety and efficacy of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines in cancer patients on active therapy: A prospective study
Presenter: Nicla Maria La Verde
Session: ePoster Display
1713P - Accelerometer measured physical activity (PA) and biomarkers in breast cancer (BC) survivors
Presenter: Maria Romero-Elias
Session: ePoster Display
1714P - Edmonton symptom assessment system (ESAS)-total care (TC): Development and psychometric validation in Italian language of ESAS-TC in patients undergoing cancer treatment and follow-up
Presenter: Carla Ripamonti
Session: ePoster Display
1715P - Rapid drug desensitization (RDD) to anticancer drugs: A 4-year monocentric experience
Presenter: Giulia Piacentini
Session: ePoster Display
1716P - Do proton pump inhibitors affect the survival outcomes and safety in colorectal cancer patients treated with regorafenib? A single center and real-life experience
Presenter: Emre Yekeduz
Session: ePoster Display
1717P - Use of immersive virtual reality for management of anxiety and depression among chemotherapy-naïve Filipino breast cancer outpatients in a national university hospital
Presenter: Mark Ando
Session: ePoster Display
1718P - Quality of life of patients with cancer and their family caregivers at the University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital Cancer Institute using the WHO Quality of Life-BREF Filipino
Presenter: Harold Nathan Tan
Session: ePoster Display