There are 2789 resources available
1465P - Exploring the spiritual needs of palliative care patients and their caregivers
Presenter: Sultan Kav
Session: ePoster Display
1466P - Napabucasin + nab-paclitaxel with gemcitabine in patients (pts) with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPDAC): Results from the phase III CanStem111P study
Presenter: Tanios Bekaii-Saab
Session: ePoster Display
1467P - POLO: Long-term safety and tolerability of olaparib for patients with a germline BRCA mutation and metastatic pancreatic cancer
Presenter: Dirk Arnold
Session: ePoster Display
1468P - POLO: Subsequent therapy after maintenance olaparib in patients with a germline BRCA mutation and metastatic pancreatic cancer
Presenter: Talia Golan
Session: ePoster Display
1752P - Characteristics and treatment [tx] patterns in patients [pts] with medullary thyroid cancer [MTC] with and without REarranged during Transfection [RET] mutations in Europe
Presenter: Alex Rider
Session: ePoster Display
1753P - REarranged during Transfection [RET] gene fusion testing patterns for patients [pts] with papillary thyroid cancer [PTC] across five European countries
Presenter: Michael Kostikas
Session: ePoster Display
1754P - Current picture of Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer patients' care and meetable needs: A survey of 94 institutions from the EORTC Endocrine and Head and Neck Cancer Groups
Presenter: Laura Locati
Session: ePoster Display
1756TiP - Dabrafenib and trametinib combination as a neoadjuvant strategy in BRAF-positive anaplastic thyroid cancer (ANAPLAST-NEO)
Presenter: Yuliya Mikheeva
Session: ePoster Display
1762P - Association of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential with higher risk of disease progression
Presenter: Derek Klarin
Session: ePoster Display