There are 2789 resources available
1846P - A permanent legacy of the pandemic? Patient and staff views of the introduction of virtual clinics to the Irish oncology service
Presenter: Ruth Kieran
Session: ePoster Display
1847P - Professional standing of young medical oncologists in Spain during COVID-19 pandemic: A nationwide survey by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) +MIR Section
Presenter: Vilma Pacheco-Barcia
Session: ePoster Display
1848P - Feasible 3D printed models of renal cell cancer with venous thrombus extension for surgical planning and simulation: Phase I NCT03738488
Presenter: Ines Rivero Belenchon
Session: ePoster Display
1849P - Ethnicity and socioeconomic deprivation in early phase clinical trials in a UK tertiary referral centre
Presenter: Neethu Billy Graham Mariam
Session: ePoster Display
CN64 - The role of physical exercise and energy conservation in the management of fatigue in NSCLC patients under IO
Presenter: Catarina Almeida
Session: ePoster Display
CN65 - Supportive care needs of adult patients with oral cancer receiving radiation therapy: A scoping review
Session: ePoster Display
CN66 - Effectiveness of an aerobic exercise program aimed at reducing cancer-related fatigue in patients with breast cancer in active treatment, compared to the standard treatment
Presenter: Gianluca Catania
Session: ePoster Display
CN67 - The unmet needs of lymphoma cancer survivors: A rapid review of the evidence
Presenter: Vanessa Boland
Session: ePoster Display
CN68 - More than the loss of hair: The experience of chemotherapy induced alopecia for women: An integrative review
Presenter: Vanessa Boland
Session: ePoster Display
CN69 - The impact of implementing a follow up nursing consultation to a patient with lung cancer under IO
Presenter: Catarina Almeida
Session: ePoster Display