There are 2789 resources available
1161P - Can 18F-FDG-PET/CT predict PD-L1 expression in resected non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)?
Presenter: Daniel Hughes
Session: ePoster Display
1162P - Clinical research platform into molecular testing, treatment and outcome of non-small cell lung carcinoma patients (CRISP): First real-world evidence of NSCLC stage II and III in Germany - AIO-TRK-0315
Presenter: Andreas Gröschel
Session: ePoster Display
1163P - Combined large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma: Clinical characteristics, prognosis and postoperative management
Presenter: Baohui Han
Session: ePoster Display
1164P - Whole-course management of surgical NSCLC patients based on ctDNA detection: Neo-adjuvant treatment efficacy prediction and postoperative recurrence monitoring
Presenter: Dongsheng Yue
Session: ePoster Display
1165P - Modelling long-term survival outcomes in patients with stage (stg) IB–IIIA EGFR-mutated NSCLC from the ADAURA trial
Presenter: Parneet Cheema
Session: ePoster Display
1035TiP - A phase I/Ib study of MPT-0118 as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab in subjects with advanced or metastatic solid tumors
Presenter: David Sommerhalder
Session: ePoster Display
1167P - DIO2 is implicated in the antitumor effect of the lung embryonic stem cell conditioned medium and impacts prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer
Presenter: Jordi Canals
Session: ePoster Display
1168P - Clinical characteristics and survival in stage I-IIIA lung cancer resected patients in Spain, analyzed in the Thoracic Tumors Registry (TTR)
Presenter: Fernando Fabio Franco
Session: ePoster Display
1169TiP - Penpulimab-based combination neoadjuvant/adjuvant therapy for patients with resectable locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A phase II clinical study (ALTER-L043)
Presenter: Changli Wang
Session: ePoster Display
1043P - NF1 mutations and immune checkpoint inhibitor outcomes in patients with BRAF wildtype melanoma
Presenter: Maysa Vilbert
Session: ePoster Display