Abstract 254P
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide. In India, cervical cancer ranks second among women and there are estimated 96922 newly diagnosed cervical cancer cases and 60078 deaths. Most women present late to medical care facility due to lack of awareness. The management depends on the stage of the tumour, and includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Prognosis of cervical cancer has improved recently due to novel treatment and screening approaches. Improving the quality of life is one of the most important parameters in the management of cervical cancer. Sexual function which is the principal dimension, is frequently compromised by late effects of the disease, and late treatment toxicities. This single center prospective study is one of the few studies which determine how cervical cancer and its treatment can affect the sexuality.
In this prospective study, conducted from April 2021 to April 2022, in Rajiv Gandhi Government general Hospital, Chennai, India. Post treatment 98 cervical cancer patients, 98 patients of non-gynaecological cancer and a group of 98 healthy women were recruited. Clinical features and Female Sexual Function Index (consists of desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, pain) of 3 balanced groups of women were compared.
Higher rates of lymphedema were reported in cervical cancer group. About 99% of patients reported stopping their sexual activity completely during treatment; time to regular sexual activity was 9 months for the cervical cancer group, and 5 months for non-gynaecologic cancer (P =0.001). Mean vaginal length which was assessed by pelvic examination were 5.8 cm, 9.7 cm and 9.8 cm respectively for the cervical cancer group, non-gynaecologic cancer group and the control group (p=0.04). 6 parameter FSFI questionnaire, revealed worse results in the cervical cancer group (mean score was 18.3), but was statistically insignificant.
Sexual function, an important element for an optimal quality of life should be duly addressed throughout treatment, especially radiation. However statistically insignificant, poor sexual function indices in cervical cancer group in our study necessitates psychological component to be included in the multidisciplinary management.
Clinical trial identification
Editorial acknowledgement
Legal entity responsible for the study
The authors.
Has not received any funding.
All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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