Maintain frequent communication with your doctor/nurse. Contact them as soon as any adverse reactions appear. It is very important that, if confirmed, the adverse reaction is treated immediately
- Take extra care of your skin
- Use tepid water when washing
- Apply moisturisers at least once a day, particularly after washing. Look for a moisturizer you like to apply (texture, feel, smell)
- Use moisturising soap or bath/shower oil
- Minimise the amount of showers/baths you take
- Protect your hands. Wear gloves when cleaning, washing dishes, working in the garden
- Wear nicely fitting shoes and cotton socks
- For sun protection, use sun protection factor 30 or higher sunscreen with good UVA protection* during spring and summer; reapply every 2 to 3 hours when staying outdoors. Also:
- Wear a hat and other protective clothing when outside in the sun
- Brush your teeth regularly and rinse with a saline-based mouthwash*
- Monitor your skin for any unusual changes and report them to your healthcare provider straightaway
Stop your cancer treatment without discussing it with your healthcare provider first. Most adverse reactions can be successfully treated without stopping treatment or changing the dose
- Worry about contacting your healthcare provider. If you have any concerns, they are more than happy to help you. It is also important that you report any symptoms to them as soon as possible
- Wear tight shoes, sandals, slippers or high heels
- Bite nails or cut nails too short (especially toe nails)
- Eat hard, hot, sharp, or spicy food
*Ask your healthcare provider for further information or recommended brands
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