Abstract 90P
Neutrophils (Nph) can play both protumor (N2) and antitumor (N1) roles at different stages of carcinogenesis. The tumor microenvironment promotes Nph polarization and enhances pro-angiogenic properties, contributing to changes in serum endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) levels (Amorim C. et al., 2022).The aim of the study was to evaluate the ability of circulating neutrophils to produce VEGF-A during the progression of kidney cancer (KC).
The object of the study was the blood Nph of patients with KC before treatment, clear cell type I stage (T1N0M0G1, n=28, 60 years), II stage (T2N0M0G2, n=15, 61 years) and III stage (T3N0M0G2, n=15, 63 years) and the control group (n=15, 54 years). RNA was isolated from the peripheral blood Nph fraction on SileksMagNA magnetic particles (Sileks, Russia). The reverse transcription reaction was carried out and the expression of the VEGF-A gene was determined by quantitative PCR using primers (Evrogen, Russia). The level of VEGF-A in serum (pg/ml) was determined by ELISA (Vector-Best-Volga, Russia). The results are presented as Me (Q1-Q3). Statistical processing was performed in Statistica 13 (Mann–Whitney U test, Spearman correlation coefficient (p<0.05)). The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of IME&PK UlSU (protocol No. 1 of 01/15/2020).
We found an increase in the serum level of VEGF-A at all stages of KC (stage I: 227.34 (227.34-399.49), p=0.002; stage II: 337.52 (329.33-692.18), p = 0.0005; III stage: 372.99 (282.99-545.82), p=0.001) relative to the control group (136.34 (91.01-168.95)). This may be due to the development of the angiogenic process during the progression of KC. The absolute amount of Nph decreased depending on the stage of KC: 4.6x109/l at stage I, 3.95x109/l - at stage III, 3.75x109/l - at stage IV. Expression of the VEGF-A gene by circulating Nph did not change at different stages of KC. However, at stage III KC, a correlation was found between VEGF-A gene expression in Nph and the level of this factor in serum (r=0.321, p=0.05).
Our results suggest that circulating Nph in KC has a high potential for VEGF-A production. At the same time, in stage III of KC, the serum level of VEGF-A is associated with an increased release of intracellular VEGF-A from Nph.
Editorial acknowledgement
Clinical trial identification
Legal entity responsible for the study
The authors.
Has not received any funding.
All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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