Abstract 1488P
Patients with advanced cancer often experience distressing symptoms between appointments, leading to unplanned admissions and emergency room visits. The SUPPORT+ mobile app was developed to improve symptom monitoring and clinical support for these patients. This study aims to assess the feasibility and acceptability of the SUPPORT+ mobile app for monitoring symptoms and providing interventions in advanced cancer patients.
Patients in palliative care downloaded the app and used it for symptom monitoring weekly with remote advice from palliative nurses for 16 weeks. Feasibility was assessed based on app usage and retention rates. Outcomes were compared at baseline and week 16.
Out of 109 participants (55.1% male, median age 68.7 years), 84 completed the study. During the study period, 16 patients passed away. Among the remaining participants, 76 actively used the SUPPORT+ app for weekly symptom reporting, receiving remote support from palliative nurses. The retention rate was 81.7%. Home exercise and cancer myths were the most accessed app domains. Comparing baseline and week 16 data, a significant increase was observed in completion of advanced directive (AD) (11.0% vs. 14.1%, p=0.046) and discussion on the preferred place of dying (27.3% vs. 32.1%, p=0.041). Furthermore, anxiety scale scores significantly decreased in week 16 compared to baseline (mean 6.5 vs. 5.7, p=0.024). There were no significant differences in emergency room visits, depression scale scores, or palliative care knowledge between baseline and week 16. Most participants (92.8%) reported the app as easy to use, indicating a high level of acceptance and usability. Additionally, 71.1% mentioned that the app positively influenced their health habits.
The SUPPORT+ app demonstrated feasibility and acceptability in facilitating end-of-life communication, increasing AD completion, and potentially reducing anxiety in advanced cancer patients. Further research is needed to explore its long-term efficacy in larger randomized controlled trials.
Clinical trial identification
Editorial acknowledgement
Legal entity responsible for the study
The authors.
Has not received any funding.
All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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