Abstract 1586P
According to GLOBOCAN's 2024 report breast cancer (BC) is the second leading cause of cancer, posing a significant health challenge in both developed (DE) and developing countries (DC) (Bray F., 2024). Among women, BC is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer deaths, with an estimation of 2.3 million new cases and 666,000 deaths in 2022.
We performed a critical review of the disparities in BC between DE and DC countries using data from the GLOBOCAN and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries databases, alongside pertinent literature.
DE countries show substantially higher incidence rates (54.1 vs 30.8 per 100,000), peaking in France, Australia/New Zealand, North America and Northern Europe. Conversely, mortality rates are significantly higher in DC countries (15.3 vs 11.3 per 100,000) (Bray F., 2024). Compared with the risk factors for age-standardized death rate (ASDR) in 1990, smoking and alcohol consumption decreased. In contrast, high plasma glucose and body mass index were ranked as significant contributors to increased ASDR in 2019 (Lv L., 2023). In DE countries, BC incidence increased until 2000, then stabilized and rised again since 2005 (Breen N., 2011). Meanwhile, the mortality rate declined in recent years (Bray F., 2024; Cronin KA., 2022). In contrast, DC countries are witnessing rapid increases in both incidence and mortality rates, driven by socioeconomic transitions, urbanization, obesity, changes in female reproductive patterns and challenges of healthcare systems (Lv L., 2023; Ginsburg O., 2017). Early detection and treatment improve survival rates, but DC countries often face late-stage diagnosis due to limited screening and cancer care (Brand NR., 2019). The WHO’s 2021 Global Initiative aims to lower mortality by 2.5% yearly through enhanced health promotion, early detection and comprehensive management of the disease (WHO., 2023).
BC remains a global challenge with pronounced disparities between DE and DC countries in incidence, mortality and survival. These differences highlight the need for a coordinated global response that addresses risk factors, early detection and ensures access to treatment, regardless of the geographical location.
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The author.
Has not received any funding.
The author has declared no conflicts of interest.
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