There are 2789 resources available
CN39 - Educating leaders in cancer nursing
Presenter: Nikolina Dodlek
Session: ePoster Display
CN40 - Developing a competency framework for nurses providing care to people with breast cancer
Presenter: Janyne Afseth
Session: ePoster Display
CN41 - Advanced practice nurse management in multiple myeloma treated with lenalidomide dexamethasone: “A new challenge”?
Presenter: Manon Sapet
Session: ePoster Display
CN42 - Evolving roles in the changing workforce developing a needs-based competency career framework for person centred cancer care
Presenter: Natalie Gregson
Session: ePoster Display
CN45 - Effect of SARS-CoV-2 on management of paediatric blood malignancy: A regional cancer centre study
Presenter: Saroj Dhaka
Session: ePoster Display
CN46 - Oncology clinical nurse specialist versatility: Ensuring a safer, continued day oncology environment throughout COVID
Presenter: Fiona Barrett
Session: ePoster Display
CN47 - Spanish Oncology Nursing Society efforts during COVID-19 pandemic
Presenter: Nuria Domenech-Climent
Session: ePoster Display
CN50 - Let’s talk about bowel problems: The needs of rectal cancer survivors towards the healthcare professional
Presenter: Eva Pape
Session: ePoster Display
CN51 - Self-care in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms: Scale development and initial validation
Presenter: Valentina Biagioli
Session: ePoster Display
CN52 - A peculiar experience: Everyday life with chronic sensory disturbances after oxaliplatin treatment for colorectal cancer: A phenomenological study
Presenter: Birgith Pedersen
Session: ePoster Display