- Function
- Major Sponsor
Major Sponsor
Web: servier.com
It is Servier’s ambition to become an innovative and recognized player in oncology through meaningful research and the development of therapeutic compounds that could cure cancer, that could extend life and, importantly, improve the quality of life of people with cancer. Currently, Servier’s portfolio in oncology comprises 19* projects in clinical development for both solid tumors and hematological malignancies with biomarker-led targeted therapies in difficult to treat cancers such as liver-, gastro-intestinal- and pancreatic-cancer as well as subpopulations of more prevalent cancers. Our research portfolio is balanced between monoclonal antibodies and targeted small molecules.
*Data as of May 2021
- Website URL www.servier.com
- LinkedIn URL www.linkedin.com/company/servier/
- Twitter URL twitter.com/Servier
- Facebook URL www.facebook.com/Servier
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