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Learning objectives:
- Promote evidence-based quality cancer care by disseminating the ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines in the oncology community
- Present a clinical case for each of the selected topics for discussion in the context of the ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations
- Present and critically review the ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations for each selected cancer type
- Discuss the case, the ESMO CPG recommendations, their impact on care and implementability in the daily practice setting under the guidance of a moderator senior expert, with participation of the guideline authors, practicing oncologists and young oncologists
- Audit the fulfillment of the learning objectives and acceptability of the ESMO CPG recommendations by means of an online questionnaire
This webinar series of ESMO Guidelines: Real World Cases brings together all the relevant stakeholders who are developing each guideline, as well as those who are consulting and implementing the guideline.