Abstract 99P
In recent years, comprehensive genetic profiling (CGP) became a widespread procedure performed in many cases of metastatic and non-metastatic malignancies. Commercial CGP kits provide information covering hundreds of cancer-related genes along with additional information on genomic stability, large-scale rearrangements and tumor mutational burden. The reports generated following CGP can serve as a diagnostic tool for the characterization of tumors according to their molecular traits. Though molecular reports may influence the diagnosis, routinely they are not sent to pathologists for review, but rather to oncologists who rely on the primary pathological diagnosis. We aim to investigate the potential impact of the integration of CGP reports as an ancillary pathology diagnosis.
We analyzed 170 CGPs in our unit since its establishment and searched for cases in which the molecular data contributed to the mere pathologic diagnosis.
While in most cases CGP reports either did not affect or supported the primary diagnosis, in 8 cases (4.7%) molecular data substantially affected the primary pathologic diagnosis and contributed to the mere pathologic diagnosis.
We conclude that CGP reports may serve as a valuable component of pathology reports and diagnosis. This is especially true in cases of unknown primary origin and other uncertain diagnoses. It is therefore suggested to routinely review CGP results with the diagnosing pathologists for reassessment. Beyond revealing potential treatment options, CGP results may affect the mere pathological diagnosis.
Editorial acknowledgement
Clinical trial identification
Legal entity responsible for the study
The author.
Has not received any funding.
The author has declared no conflicts of interest.
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