Abstract 1571P
In France, oncology is one of the disciplines for which the percentage of residents reorientating at the start of internship towards another specialty is the highest (8-10%). The determinants of this reorientation are unknown.
We conducted a quantitative online survey with the 121 interns of the 2022-2023 class during their 1st year of oncology training, with 2 follow-ups over 2 months. 36 potential determinants from previous works (Wright et al. 2004; Beaulieu et al. 2010) were evaluated using a 5-point Likert scale alongside parameters describing the resident. We also assessed their satisfaction with the teaching received. We conducted univariate and multivariate linear regression analyses.
The response rate was 107/121 (88.5%), but 99 questionnaires were usable for the determinants analysis (81.2%). 9 residents were considering or may consider changing speciality. In multivariate analysis, 3 factors were associated with considering a change of specialty: “desire for social commitment” (β=2.15, p=.025), “other experience during the 2 nd -cycle hospital traineeships” (β=3.64, p<.001) and “interest in emergency care” (β=2.13, p=.028). Satisfaction with the education received was negatively associated with the desire to change specialty (β=-3.49, p<.001). The determinants of satisfaction in oncology training were: “being able to move to the desired university” (β=4.24, p=.016), “an image of dynamism of oncology” (β=4.68, p<.001); on the other hand, the “desire for short training” was negatively associated with satisfaction with oncology training (β=0.281, p=.042).
We identified 2 intrinsic factors (social commitment and interest in emergency care) and 2 extrinsic factors (other significant experiences during 2nd-cycles hospital traineeships and low satisfaction in oncology training) as being able to explain the wish of reorientation among oncology residents.
Clinical trial identification
Editorial acknowledgement
Legal entity responsible for the study
Centre Oscar Lambret.
Has not received any funding.
All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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