Abstract 1566P
Participation rate in lung cancer screening (LCS) programs is challenging. The ILYAD (Initiative LYonnaise pour l’Amorçage du Dépistage) study main objective is to assess whereas various communication methods may improve participation rate among a population of eligible staffs of Lyon University Hospital (LUH).
In a previous work, we assessed the number of eligible employees at LUH. 838 peoples among 26,954 staffs were found eligible to LCS according to current French guidelines. We designed an LCS program dedicated to staffs from LHU. We provided specific email address, phone number, and an online tool. We applied three communication methods for participants recruitment. We started with common displays (flyers, posters) and general emailing. Then, we involved managers of the departments identified with high-risk employees and occupational medicine. Finally, we used specially trained nurses to meet the employees in their daily routine.
From September 2022 to May 2024, 144 participants were included, resulting in a participating rate of 17.2%. 85 (59%) were included during the first period (common displays and emails), 17 (12%) during the second (targeting high-risk), and 44 (30%) during the third (face to face meeting). Institutional general emailing appeared as the best way of recruitment. Surprisingly, face-to-face interaction were not very efficient, principally due to people lack of commitment afterward. During this first round of screening, one positive screening lead to the diagnosis of a stage IA adenocarcinoma. Moreover, we diagnosed 14 early COPD (group A and B). Coronary calcifications were identified in 15 cases. 70% participants contacted us through the online tool.
Despite a population of healthcare employees and different communication strategies tested, our results showed a low LCS participation rate. These results enhanced the fact that population adherence to LCS program will be a critical issue to address properly in order to improve screening efficiency.
Clinical trial identification
Sponsor code: 69HCL22_0466; NCT05452200 N° IDRCB: 2022-A01203-40 Approved by ethic committee CPP OUEST III: 23/06/2022.
Editorial acknowledgement
Legal entity responsible for the study
Hospices Civils de Lyon.
AstraZeneca Volition Transdiag.
S. Couraud: Financial Interests, Personal and Institutional, Funding, consulting fees: AstraZeneca, Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim, MSD, Novartis, Sanofi, Roche, Pfizer, BMS; Financial Interests, Institutional, Funding: Chugai, Lilly, Takeda, Janssen, Celgene, Transdiag, Volition, Adene, BD Bioscience; Financial Interests, Personal, Other, consulting fees: Health event, MaaT Pharma, Pierre Fabre. All other authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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