There are 3397 resources available
1875P - Behind the use of ChatGPT for oncological purposes: Fears and challenges
Presenter: Ilaria Durosini
Session: Poster session 05
1876P - Cancer stigma: How Tunisian patients perceive their cancer
Presenter: sofiene Fendri
Session: Poster session 05
1877P - Meaning-making in the re-entry phase: A qualitative focus group study with patients with breast cancer and melanoma
Presenter: Anna Visser
Session: Poster session 05
1878P - Prevalence of burnout in GU oncologists in central Asia: BUCARE survey
Presenter: Oxana Shatkovskaya
Session: Poster session 05
1879P - Investigating the effect of family support on the mental health of patients with breast cancer
Presenter: Maryam Garousi
Session: Poster session 05
1880P - Cancer care: Psychoeducational intervention for first-year residents of a general hospital in northeastern Mexico
Presenter: Celia Beatriz Gonzalez-Alcorta
Session: Poster session 05
1991P - Safety and effectiveness of surgery or radiotherapy after PD-L1 Inhibitor (TQB-2450) and chemotherapy induction therapy in patients with limited-stage small cell lung cancer: A phase II trial
Presenter: Fenghuan Sun
Session: Poster session 05
1992P - A phase II safety and efficacy study of PM8002 (anti-PD-L1 x VEGF-A bispecific) combined with paclitaxel as a second-line therapy for small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
Presenter: Ying Cheng
Session: Poster session 05
1993P - Phase IIIb study of durvalumab plus platinum–etoposide in first-line treatment of extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (CANTABRICO): Safety results
Presenter: Maria Dolores Isla Casado
Session: Poster session 05
1994P - Carboplatin, etoposide, bevacizumab, and atezolizumab in patients with extensive-stage SCLC – GOIRC-01-2019 CeLEBrATE ML41241 trial
Presenter: Karim Rihawi
Session: Poster session 05