There are 3397 resources available
1762P - Are published data up-to-date? Analysis of time to publication in major oncological journals
Presenter: Pawel Sobczuk
Session: Poster session 23
586P - Minimal residual disease (MRD) detection using a tumour naïve circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) assay in patients (pts) with resected colorectal cancer (CRC) in the phase III ASCOLT trial
Presenter: Daphne Day
Session: Poster session 10
2189P - Combining SBRT with GM-CSF and Peg-IFNα to induce abscopal effects in previously treated patients with stage IV thymic tumors
Presenter: Boyan Wang
Session: Poster session 07
287P - Perturbation and stability of PAM50 subtyping in population-based primary invasive breast cancer
Presenter: Johan Staaf
Session: Poster session 02
973P - Clinicopathologic and treatment outcome data in 165 fibrolamellar carcinoma patients
Presenter: Sunyoung Lee
Session: Poster session 18
1763P - The challenge for Cancer Trials Ireland (CTI) to sponsor NCI and non-EU sponsored trials in the EU
Presenter: Eibhlin Mulroe
Session: Poster session 23
1272P - Postoperative survival prediction in non-small cell lung cancer patients based on driver genotypes
Presenter: Huiting Wang
Session: Poster session 04
288P - Prognostic factors in nonmetastatic HER2 ‘low’ & HER2 ‘negative’ breast cancer: Single institute experience
Presenter: Alper Türkel
Session: Poster session 02