There are 2867 resources available
1351P - Indirect costs due to lung cancer-related premature mortality in four European countries
Presenter: Goran Bencina
Session: Poster session 17
1352P - Real-world use of genomic profiling and genetic testing and implications for clinicians, providers and insurers
Presenter: Christos Mikropoulos
Session: Poster session 17
1353P - Prediction of the risk of recurrence in patients with non-small cell lung cancer using an integrated claims and electronic medical record database
Presenter: Tom Delea
Session: Poster session 17
1354P - Delay of diagnoses, increase of advanced stages, and worse overall survival in patients with thoracic malignancies because of the COVID-19 pandemic
Presenter: Andrea Sbrana
Session: Poster session 17
1355P - Clinical trial enrollment among lung cancer patients: A real-world multicenter analysis
Presenter: Maria Lucia Reale
Session: Poster session 17
1356P - Socioeconomic vulnerabilities (SEV) and cancer-related mortality in United States (US): A cross-sectional analysis
Presenter: Syed Arsalan Ahmed Naqvi
Session: Poster session 17
1453P - Phase II study of belzutifan plus cabozantinib for previously treated advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC): Update from cohort 2 of LITESPARK-003
Presenter: David McDermott
Session: Poster session 17
1454P - Optimizing ipilimumab in RCC: Results from SAKK 07/17 (CM-980) nivolumab (N) + ipilimumab (Ipi) in mRCC
Presenter: Frank Stenner-Liewen
Session: Poster session 17
1455P - Characterization of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma achieving complete response to first-line therapies: Results from the international metastatic renal cell carcinoma database consortium (IMDC)
Presenter: Kosuke Takemura
Session: Poster session 17
1456P - Long-term survivorship rates for first-line intermediate or poor (I/P) risk advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC) patients achieving objective response (OR) with nivolumab plus ipilimumab (N+I)
Presenter: Saby George
Session: Poster session 17