Abstract CN56
Research suggests varied possibilities for Swedish patients to participate in their own care, with many expressing lacking possibilities to participate to the preferred extent. Identifying individual preferences on how, to what degree, and in what situations the patients want to participate in their cancer care, are crucial in person-centred care. Patients’ activation level (measured with PAM-13) has been found to be associated with perceived patient participation. The cancer contact nurses (CNs) perceptions of patients’ needs and preferences for participation are important to optimise the communication between themselves and the patients. The overall aim for the project is to describe patients' experiences of participation. For this study we wanted to investigate levels of agreement/disagreements between patients’ and CNs’ of estimated opportunities for participation at the care encounter before starting cancer treatment and to explore how patients with “low” or “high” activation level, described their opportunities for participation in the meeting with the CN.
Agreement of patient-nurse dyads, is assessed by dyadicOption, a 12-item scale with five-point response options and one open question. The instrument includes the same items, however, phrased differently for patients and CNs respectively and is completed immediately after each care encounter. Semi-structured interviews, regarding experiences of possibilities for participation in the encounter with the CN, are performed with patients using purposeful sampling, with low-high PAM score respectively.
Data collection is on-going and the presentation will include preliminary results from the study.
Data from on-going study will be presented.
Clinical trial identification
Editorial acknowledgement
Legal entity responsible for the study
The authors.
Has not received any funding.
All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.