There are 2789 resources available
559TiP - A phase II study of TAS-117 in patients with advanced solid tumors harboring germline PTEN inactivating mutations
Presenter: Jordi Rodon
Session: ePoster Display
560TiP - A phase I/IIa study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CCS1477, a first in clinic inhibitor of p300/CBP, as monotherapy in patients with selected molecular alterations
Presenter: Simon Crabb
Session: ePoster Display
561TiP - A phase I dose-escalation study of ZN-d5, an BCL-2 inhibitor with improved selectivity, in patients with advanced non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) or acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
Presenter: Jan Zaucha
Session: ePoster Display
566TiP - A first-in-human study of NUC-7738, a ProTide transformation of 3’-deoxyadenosine, in patients with advanced solid tumours (NuTide:701)
Presenter: Sarah Blagden
Session: ePoster Display
568P - FOLFOX-bevacizumab chemotherapy in patients with progressive metastatic neuroendocrine tumors
Presenter: Caroline Lacombe
Session: ePoster Display
569P - Causes of death in patients with metastatic digestive neuroendocrine tumours
Presenter: Louis de Mestier
Session: ePoster Display