Abstract 299P
With the increasing proportion of women surviving carcinoma cervix, quality of life becomes an important issue. Most of the diagnosed women belong to the sexually active group (mean age 50 years). Therefore impact on sexual health is vital. Since there are only few studies on the topic, this study is to assess sexual dysfunction issues in patients treated with multimodality therapy using the LENT SOMA scores.
The study was prospective. A total of 85 patients were accrued comprising 6 stage IB, 6 stage II A, 25 stage II B, 2 stage IIIA, 45 stage III B and 1 stage IV A disease. Sixty six patients were treated with radiotherapy in which 46 patients received chemoradiotherapy and 19 had surgery prior to postoperative radiotherapy. The mean age was 47.81 years with a range of 2568 years. Completion of LENT SOMA scale and Statistical analysis for sexual dysfunction scores was done- stage wise and treatment wise.
Mean subjective sexual function and satisfaction scores was highest in stage IIIA disease (0.0972) while maximum subjective sexual score was seen in stage IIB disease (0.94). Mean objective score VG (Vagina) was highest in stage IVA and maximum score (0.80) was seen in stage IIIB. The mean subjective sexual function and satisfaction score was highest (0.4601) in patients in which gap between treatment and interview was 11 years and maximum score was highest (0.94) in same group. The mean subjective sexual function and satisfaction score was highest (0.4601) in patients who were treated in earlier years when compared with other patients p value-0.093). Sexual function and satisfaction maximum score was highest in combined surgery and radiotherapy group (0.94) and minimum in RT alone group (0.54). The objective mean score VG (Vagina) was highest in combined surgery and radiotherapy group and maximum score(0.80) was highest in the radiotherapy(+chemo) group.
Currently there is no single self-report measure in routine clinical follow use which is easy to complete and incorporates all aspects of sexual health for people affected by cancer. We used LENT SOMA scale in our study, it provides a comprehensive system to assess treatment induced sexual difficulties to score the impact of radiotherapy morbidity in cervical cancer.
Clinical trial identification
Editorial acknowledgement
Legal entity responsible for the study
The authors.
Has not received any funding.
All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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